Tuesday, April 21, 2009

An idle mind is devil's workshop

NEver sit idle when some fear arises in your heart. If you sit idle, you will start brooding over it.
That will only enhance the fear in your heart. The popular proverb - " An idle mind is devil's workshop" has great truth in it.

This proverb actually explains the state of our own mind!

So, when fear arises in you heart, don't sit idle. Get up at once and do one of the following...

1. Start reading words of strength and hope.

2. Take up some constructive and creative activity.

3. Go to some dependable elders you know and spend some time in their elevating presence.

4. Take deep breaths rhythmically and do some methodical exercises.

5. Pray intensely to GOD in whichever form you like.

If you want to achieve success in overcoming fear, there are certain rotten personal habits you must avoid at all costs...

1. Wandering about doing nothing

2. Losing yourself in idle gossip

3. Brooding over your weaknesses.

4. Postponing your duties.

5.Lingering in an undecided state of mind.

All of these exhaust the brain, weaken the mind, and drain all your energies, leaving the inner core of your personality greatly damaged.

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